Wednesday, December 2, 2009

coming into season

the rains are coming less frequently these days and it won't be long til we're officially in "high season".  high season equals dry season.  as the landscape dries up,   a new cycle of life begins along the rivers.   the rivers start running clearer and lower without all the run-off, and the fish become more active.

i'll be starting the season on the northern frontier of costa rica, in the Upala area.  this area has many small rivers that get few visitors.  the rivers are loaded with machaca (see "fish with teeth" blog), although it is not unheard of to hook into a nice guapote or other exotic is a photo of a nice machaca

also in this area is Cano Negro, one of Costa Rica's little know natural jewels.  as a national refuge, Cano Negro is well patrolled by park rangers as well as local police (because of close proximity to nicaragua), and because of this vigilance, the fish population as well as the sports fisherman are well rewarded, since
commercial fisherman are banned from these beautiful backwater lagoons.  and there is more than just fish here, with incredible bird and wildlife to be discovered along the banks.  GIANT TARPON live here too!

last year was my first year exploring these lagoons; it was awe inspiring to see.  we would see literally hundreds of tarpon on the feed, some running up to 80 and 90 KILOS!  the picture above was a smaller one, weighing in at about 30 kilos.many of these monsters never return to the sea, a fact not completely understood by the scientific community.  presently, there are studies going on to tag and investigate this phenomenon.

if you are looking to find true fishing adventure; a trip to tell your fishing buddies about, please contact me for details on our offerings.

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